About Us

Started in the year 2021 amidst the tough and extremely stressful time of the corona virus attacking the world, we thought of launching a brand that gives a ray of hope and gives a reason to forget the stress.

Keeping in mind the needs of the society to be at ease and breathe in comfort, our fabric comprises of comfortable 100% cotton that gives a very soothing feel to the body. Whether its working from home or retiring home after a tiring day, the comfort cotton relaxes your body and mind and gives you a chance to snuggle in your favorite t-shirts/ hoodies/ yoga pants.

The extremely casual look of the brand makes it easier for you to carry yourself on occasions such as a bright sunny day, an exciting trek day, biking day, picnic day or a regular jog.

So guys, enjoy the brand and spread the word, we are all going to be fine!!